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Hola todos!

January 13th, 2006

Hola todos!

I’m Christin, and I’m leaving for Costa Rica in just 3 short days.

I’ll be flying from Port Columbus airport in Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. through Miami, Florida, U.S.A. into San Jose, Costa Rica. I have a 10-hour layover in Miami (I hope the bar is open early), so expect to hear more from me then!

I’m going to Costa Rica to study at Universidad Nacional in Heredia through a study abroad program administered by the Institute for Study Abroad. I’ll be spending 2 weeks in Monteverde for an orientation, and then I’ll head to Heredia to settle in with a Tico family for the rest of the semester.

While I’m in Costa Rica, my study abroad program sponsors weekend trips for all their students, so I will be traveling to many different parts of Costa Rica and reporting back to you. I’ve talked with other students on my program, and we all agree that extra travel (beyond program trips) is also in order.

My goal is to travel almost every weekend I’m in Costa Rica, and try to do it for around 1,000 USD (meals are already included in my tuition). Join me here to see how it goes!

One Response to “Hola todos!”

  1. Celeste on January 18, 2006 9:03 am

    Hi there!

    I am a recent graduate who just launched a website for students studying, living, and working abroad. It is called abroadster (www.abroadster.com). I am flipping through blogs to find those who may be interested. We want abroadster to grow to to be a great resource for those abroad, we just went live on Monday and are trying to get the word out. Tell your friends!

