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My New Family

January 26th, 2006

My new family is so nice! I have two parents, whom I call Don Edwin and Doña María. I also have a 23 -year old sister named Rocío and a 14 -year old brother named Roberto.

They are extremely nice and helpful. They are always concerned about my safety, and give me advice about everything from taking the bus to dealing with big bugs. They laugh that I’m afraid of spiders (they’re huge here!) and wear gloves when the temperature drops below 55. I already love them!

They don’t really speak any english at all, so we always speak in spanish. They are very helpful when it comes to learning spanish and will repeat things as often I need them to. They’re always willing to help me find the word I’m looking for. They correct my grammar all the time, but are very nice about it. They’re also really encouraging, and tell me not to worry, because it will come with time. They seem confident that I’ll be fluent by the end of the month, but I have my doubts. I will say though that my Spanish has already improved dramatically. When using a language becomes a daily necessity, you get over any shyness you may have had very quickly.

I’ve also found that for me, it’s much easier to understand women than men. I’m not exactly sure why this is, but my sister and my mom are definitely the easiest to talk to in the family.

Also, the food here is pretty good. We have rice all the time though, and I’m beginning to tire of it. Oh well, cest la vie.

I hope to write a little more about my family and post pictures of them and the house a little later.