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Where is Christine???

May 11th, 2006

It also appears that Christin has fallen down on the job as well. If anyone knows where be that cute little midwestern gurl… please advise. Besides… she owes me a CD!

One Response to “Where is Christine???”

  1. Christin Chitty on May 10, 2007 9:43 pm

    sorry! I dropped off the face of the Costa Rican planet! I fell behind on some school work and missed a few weeks of blogging and then… I had to leave Costa Rica suddenly when my father died. Sorry I didn’t write sooner to let you know Tim.

    anyway, quick life update:

    I graduated, moved to NYC, and just recently got engaged to a wonderful person named Kyle. Life has never been better. I hope all is well with you and your family. I still have those pictures from the outing I went on with Maria Luisa, although we may have to find a new way to share them. Take care!