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Medical Care and Options in Costa Rica

March 27th, 2016

I was  diagnosed with cancer last year.

While I thought I had a pretty deep knowledge of medical care both private and public (my wife has been with Calderon Guardia hospital, the second largest CAJA hospital in CR, for 34 years), it turns out I was wrong.  In this post I will share some information on health care in this country and the stuff I have learned.

Medical care in Costa Rica is of interest to not only ex-pats living here or wannabe ex-pats with plans to live here…  but to the many thousands of tourists who visit Costa Rica every year for what is known as medical tourism. Medical tourism we can define as people who visit Costa Rica with the express intent of having various medical procedures done here with the expectation that those procedures may be far less expensive than those same services performed in their home country.  In general, those are realistic expectations, but things are changing.  Over the past several years, medical institutions here have learned the medical tourism is big business and they have responded as expected. There are basically two options here for receiving medical care.  Private (aka for profit) and public (aka the CAJA or socialized medicine). If this topic is of interest, please read on… Continue reading »

Help Wanted

March 21st, 2016

There is a lot going on in Costa Rica and I’m always happy to get some help!

With my various obligations, I find I cannot post to this Blog as often as I would like (at least every day), so I’d like to invite a few folks to contribute their thoughts, opinions, humor or whatever to The Real Costa Rica Blog. There are also a ton of subjects about which I know something, but am certainly not an expert. An example might be the wildlife in Costa Rica, churches, etc. Here is a chance to show your expertise!

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